Wendy St. Peter, PharmD, FCCP, FASN, FNKF
Director, AKHOMM
Professor, University of Minnesota

Dr. Wendy St. Peter is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota and Director of the Advancing Kidney Health through Optimal Medication Management initiative. She has served on several national technical expert panels for medication-related safety and quality measurement, served on the Board of Directors of the Kidney Health Initiative and the NKF-ASN Taskforce on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Diseases.

Presenting modules:

Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) equations are used for kidney disease staging, to assess kidney disease progression, and drug dosing. Which equation to use is a controversial area. This module will discuss the newest equations that removed race as a variable.. This module focuses on the basis for these changes, compares accuracy of these new equations to the older equations and demonstrates the rationale for using non-indexed results from this new equation for drug-related decision making.


There are significant health and medication-related disparities in black persons with CKD that need to be addressed. In Part 1, we will address some of the history and current experiences that have led to Black community and/or Black individual distrust in the US Health system and healthcare practitioners.



In Part 2, we use patient voices to show their health care and medication-related experiences, we discuss challenges that interfere with medication adherence and address microaggression by healthcare professionals that can erode patient trust.
