Lisa Hillman, PharmD
PhD Candidate, Social and Administrative Pharmacy
University of Minnesota

Lisa Hillman received her Doctor of Pharmacy in 2006 from the University of Minnesota. She is board certified in ambulatory care pharmacy and has over 10 years of pharmacy practice experience, the majority of which was working with patients with chronic kidney disease. She is completing her PhD in the Social and Administrative Pharmacy program at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. Her thesis explores the medication experience of African American women living with kidney-related diseases.

Presenting modules:


As discussed in Part 1 and Part 2, there is a disproportionate impact of CKD on Black persons. Individuals need to have CKD identified and diagnosed as early as possible in the disease process to attain desired health outcomes. This successful management of CKD and its complications requires an awareness and understanding of the diagnosis. Without awareness, patients are unlikely to become informed and adequately participate in their care and become motivated to adopt healthy behaviors.



Part 4 looks at building trustful and respectful relationships with Black person’s with CKD and empowering them in their care.
