Curtis Warfield
Kidney Patient Advocate

Curtis Warfield was diagnosed with CKD disease due to FSGS in 2012 and in 2016 received a living donor kidney from his daughter’s college sorority sister. Curtis is an active patient advocate, peer mentor, participates on patient advisory boards, kidney task forces, technical and medical review panels. He co-chairs NKF’s Patient Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workgroup, is a member of ASN’s Kidney Health Initiative Patient & Family Partnership Council and NKF-ASN - American Society of Nephrology - Task Force on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Disease. Curtis speaks with legislators both on Capitol Hill and in the Indiana State Legislature about kidney disease. He is on the Board of Directors of the National Kidney Foundation of Indiana and Home Dialyzors United.

Presenting modules:


In Part 2, we use patient voices to show their health care and medication-related experiences, we discuss challenges that interfere with medication adherence and address microaggression by healthcare professionals that can erode patient trust.



Part 4 looks at building trustful and respectful relationships with Black person’s with CKD and empowering them in their care.
