Slowing Kidney Disease Progression Course

Offering free CE for Pharmacists, Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners.

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How can we optimally slow progression of chronic kidney disease? In these modules, we dive into the topic and the role pharmacists play in value-based care for patients with CKD. You will learn how to design prevention, treatment, and patient education approaches using the latest evidence-based practices from experts in the field. These modules emphasize patient-centered care and practical strategies to implement drug therapy regimens.


Overall Course Objectives

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  1. Adopt patient-centered medication management strategies to address CKD progression in the context of a multidisciplinary team using the pharmacist patient care process framework (collect, assess, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate, and document activities).
  2. Assess kidney function for staging CKD and drug dosing using contemporary methods for estimating glomerular filtration rate with consideration of the utility and limitations of each method.
  3. Design prevention, treatment, and patient education strategies for slowing chronic kidney disease progression that incorporate evidence-based pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment.
  4. Create care plans that address disparities in CKD to achieve pharmacoequity.
  5. Construct strategies to address the common clinical controversies in the management of cardiometabolic complications in a patient with CKD to optimize medication management.
  6. Describe barriers to medication adherence and facilitate strategies to improve medication adherence in patients with CKD.
  7. Initiate appropriate deprescribing measures to reduce medication burden and/or harm in patients with kidney disease.
  8. Identify and prioritize opportunities for pharmacists to optimize health care and provide comprehensive medication management (CMM) for patients in value-based payment systems.